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Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers

You’ll be very happy with the texture and satiating flavors of these meatless quinoa and tofu patties. Meat eaters, vegans and gluten-frees—all of us can share. These veggie burgers hold together too, which is not true with every homemade meatless burger. You can flip these over and they won’t fall apart in the pan.
Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers | Letty's Kitchen
Have you noticed how sugar makes it way into the ingredient list of most items on our grocery store shelves? Last weekend I saw a film telling the story about hidden sugar in our food. Praise the Lord for the eloquent educators of food choice, the forward-thinking authors, spokespersons, and filmmakers urging us to pay attention to the foods we eat.

ingredients for Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers | Letty's Kitchen

Fed Up is a documentary movie–a must see for anyone who…eats food. It’s an exposĂ© uncovering why we are an obese population. The producer’s goal is to “change the way we eat, forever.” Though I’m part of the ‘choir’, the congregation that believes in responsible food choices, I’m more comfortable singing to myself, quietly, at the back of the room. I’m afraid of being preachy, and truth be known, I don’t feel articulate enough to belt it out.

tofu/Quinoa patties portioned into balls for Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers | Letty's Kitchen

Home cooking is the best way I know to spread the message. So I cook and bake and write vegetarian recipes. I like to think I contribute to change with my knife and fork. And by reading labels–if there is sugar in the ingredients, I won’t buy it.

We can all make a difference, one bite at a time. Make these delicious quinoa and tofu patties, and share a meatless Monday with someone you love.

Forming patties for Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers | Letty's Kitchen

Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers | Letty's Kitchen

Serve the patties topped with your favorite sauce. Try savory peanut sauce, or this avocado sauce–both are full of flavor and marry well with the patties. For quick and easy, use a marinara sauce. (Be sure to read the label looking for hidden sugar.) I sauced the ones in the photo with walnut tahini sauce—recipe coming up soon right here in lettyskitchen.

Quinoa and Tofu Patties—Meatless Burgers recipe notes:

  • The quinoa can be tri-color, blond, red or black. I used tri-color. I like to have the quinoa already made, but it only takes 20 -25 minutes to cook quinoa and it’s fine to mix in hot. You can press the tofu and prepare the rest of the ingredients while the quinoa cooks.
  • There are many veggie patty recipes out there that bind the ingredients together with breadcrumbs. Ground rice crackers keep these patties gluten-free.
  • Nori is the green wrap around rice in sushi rolls and adds subtle sweet umami taste as well as tiny flecks of color.
  • I use a #16 ice cream scoop to portion, and a cookie cutter to form the patties.
  • I tried baking my quinoa and tofu patties in the oven. They just didn’t get brown and crispy on the outside. Out of the oven and into the skillet they went. I use a non-stick skillet so I didn’t need to add extra oil to the pan.

I am grateful to Frances Moore Lappé, who helped me change the way I eat via her pioneering book, Diet for a Small Planet.
What are you grateful for today?

Wishing you a fabulous week–get in the kitchen and cook something delicious!

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1 comment

  • I saw the movie last night and even though I’m part of the choir as well, I was stunned at how pervasive and calculated the promotion of sugary foods is. I think I will see again, just so I can be sure of my facts when I talk about it. Reply · 19 May, 2014

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